Every Story has a Beginning and this is Ours…
In 1956 two tent revivals were held in the Edinburgh Community. The first with Rev. Bowling and the second with Rev. Gentry. The location of the tent was in a vacant lot close to the area where the church is now located. Many people gave their hearts to the Lord in this revival and decided they wanted a permanent place to worship. Several people were from Kentucky and were familiar with the Separate Baptist Doctrine, hence the Edinburgh Separate Baptist Church. On September 16, 1956 the Edinburgh Separate Baptist Church was organized in a small rented building on SR 252 in Edinburgh. The church started with 44 members. Property was purchased in October 1956 thru numerous donations made by the community and church members; the location was 905 South Main St. and a permanent building was started. The first service was held in the new building on August 6, 1957. The first sermon was preached on Saturday August 10, 1957 by Bro. William England. The sanctuary, still used today, seats about 200.
Bro. Ray Burton
Bro. Hubert Hadley
Bro. Willard Hadley
Bro. Roy McGaha
Bro. William England was ordained as a minister
on Nov 1, 1958 and became the first pastor.
In the fall of 1982, a fellowship hall was constructed with a baptistry and an apartment for visiting evangelists. In 1992 the church appointed a building committee to study the feasibility of adding a new entry and other improvements to the church. After careful study of numerous proposals, the building committee employed Paden Engineering to create an architectural design to the committee’s. specifications. In 1993 stained glass windows depicting the life of Christ were added to the sanctuary. In March 1994 construction began to enlarge the front entrance and add three new class rooms, handicap restrooms, pastors office, and PA control room. In 2014 a remodel of the sanctuary was undertaken with drywall replacing the paneling, new lighting on stage and off, ceiling renovations, new chairs to replace our pews, and sound room upgrades.
Charter Members
(Year Passing)
1. Lucy Cain (1961)
2. Minnie Streeval(1965)
3. Sally Harmon (1968)
4. Jessee Harmon (1972)
5. Gilbert Cox (1980)
6. Rev. Willard Hadley (1980)
7. Bertie Cox (1985)
8. Myra Cowan (1994)
9. Lillie McGaha (1995)
10. Opal Bernard (1996)
11. Maggie Curry (1999)
12. Ray Burton (1999)
13. Marybelle Burton (2005)
14. Dorinda Hadley (2006)
15. REV. Hubert Hadley (2010)
16. Della Rhodes (2012)